Monday, 25 April 2011

Evaluation 3


We received feedback from many different people and places. The most popular choice of feed back was 'Facebook' we simply created a group and let people talk about the good and bad of our music video. At first we started to get little bits of feedback like "I like the colour" or "Love the guitars" That wasn't really helpful so we invited class members to join the group because they have just made a video, therefore all the techniques are fresh in their minds. Secondly we then showed our rough cut to the class and they could tell us what they liked and didn't like on paper... A lot of people like the smoothness of the opening shot how the camera lifts to the singers face as he moves into the shot. And the filters and lighting we have used gave a really nice effect. We did how ever get a few negatives about the transitions and that it's just the same shots of a band playing. So we decided to go a shoot some more footage and add them in.

Our Teacher gave us so constructive criticism which we could change before the deadline. He said "I really like the effect you are giving off but you could get some more camera angles of the singer and the band together playing. And film some rough cuts somewhere else to give it more location variety". We thought about this and we did shoot some rough cut footage but the tape broke when we were trying to upload it. There fore leaving us with no new footage. So we decided to play around with motion key framing to give it a better look. We did however manage to get some extra footage of The bassist and the guitarist standing in front of the union jack not just playing but laughing and messing around like bands do. I think this helped lighten the mood towards our music video.

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